Sunday, March 14, 2021

Sarah Alice M4J speech

 "How many women have to go ignored? How many women have to die? We’ve raged, we’ve mourned, we’ve held vigils, we’ve worn their stupid fucking ribbons while the victims wear their scars, and we’ve stood in these same places too many times demanding change. 

This is somewhere I never expected to be. As a transwoman, I wasn’t sure about being in this space or talking about this topic.

But the reality is, that the very things we are here protesting against, including the entitlement of men and their violence toward women, the patriarchy and the institutions they use to silence women

ARE the exact same things transwomen experience

It’s also important I stand before you today, because the conservative right and the Australian Christian Lobby are targeting groups like the trans community and sex workers to steam roll legislation through, that WILL further oppress women and WILL remove already hard fought for rights. 

And this all comes on top of the erosion of the Family Law Courts, which is only going to put more women and children in danger. 

The outcomes after all the pretty words and empty gestures always amount to nothing, and the time for change needs to be now. 

We are tired of our sisters having to face this, day in and day out. And we will not stand down until the culture of misogyny that runs through our parliament, our workplaces, and our homes is changed; we will not stand down until justice is served and integrity returned to our places of leadership. 

We aren’t a mob out with our pitchforks demanding a pound of flesh… we are voters demanding justice. 

Whether you are a First Nations woman, a woman of colour or white, 

poor… middle class… or wealthy, 

Regardless of your sexuality, we are women.  

We are mothers, sisters, daughters, friends and family, demanding that justice is done for every woman; We cannot let the status quo stand, we cannot let the blatant lack of equality and safety carry on. 

Australia demands change now

We are the bar to which they need to rise

Today we say ENOUGH"

Sarah Alice M4J speech

  "How many women have to go ignored? How many women have to die? We’ve raged, we’ve mourned, we’ve held vigils, we’ve worn their stupi...